Lotta joined Rural Projects in 2017 as an intern eager to learn. Then having graduated at UWS with an Honours Degree in Events Management she has continued her work within the team with involvement across all events organised by Rural Projects. Lotta’s main responsibility at Rural Projects is providing digital marketing for each event.
Topher, or ‘Danish’ as he is also known by the team, is Rural Projects’ on site ‘fixer.’ Possessing great resourcefulness and ingenuity he is a well known face at AgriScot and Gardening Scotland and has proved an extremely valuable asset in the build up and breakdown of events.
Heather from Accounts and Taxation Services is Rural Projects’ Accountant. Heather has worked with the team for over 10 years and as well as providing sound financial advice for the company and its events she also masterminds the cash handling and gate management processes for Gardening Scotland.
John worked with Rural Projects as a full time member of the team between 2001 and 2006. John then returned to manage the family farm on Iona but continues to work with the team on a consultancy basis. John is the AgriScot Trade Stand Manager and can help with any enquiries relating to the event.
Fraser joined the team in May 2016 having graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with an Honours Degree in Business Management with Festivals and Events. Fraser is involved with all aspects of Rural Projects’ portfolio of events but has particular responsibility for operational matters.
Martin joined Rural Projects in 2000 with a background in Human Resource Management. His HR career was primarily focused on employee recognition schemes involving a strong organisational role and so a move to the events industry was a logical progression. Martin has overall responsibility for each of Rural Projects’ events.